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    HND to Degrees

    Edexcel International's academic (BTEC) and vocational qualifications (NVQ) allow students to progress to university in many countries for more information see www.edexcel.org.uk

    BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) qualifications are recognised and understood by universities all around the world.
    • Students who are interested in going to a UK university should visit the UCAS website at www.ucas.ac.uk
    • Students who are interested in going to a US university should visit the AACRAO website at www.aacrao.org/credential/index.htm where you can find information on credit transfer.
    BTEC National qualifications are also a standard university entry qualification, not only in the UK but in an increasingly large number of countries around the world. For those students wishing to study for a degree in Art, the BTEC Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art & Design) provides an excellent grounding for the varied study that is found in all Art degrees.

    BTEC Higher National Diploma holders may apply to enter the final year of university courses in the UK. Click here for a list of UK universities that have accepted HND holders onto the final year of a Bachelors degree programme. Many other UK universities provide exemptions (advanced standing) to BTEC HND holders.

    Increasingly, students want to study for their first degree in another English-speaking country, such as the US or Australia. BTEC HND holders can enter onto the third year of Bachelors degrees in both countries. In exceptional circumstances, US universities have given outstanding BTEC HND students entry on to the final year of their degrees. Click here for a list of those US universities who have given students exemption onto their degree courses.

    In October 2002, Edexcel International signed an exciting agreement with the University of Southern Queensland, Australia, which provides even more flexibility for BTEC HND holders. Not only can BTEC HND holders now transfer onto the third year of many of USQ's degree programmes in Australia, but BTEC HND holders can also study for their USQ degree at one of USQ's many study centres around the world. The third part of the agreement allows a selected number of approved BTEC centres to offer USQ degree programmes on their sites, by means of distance learning.

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